Enviro Tec Garden Shadehouse Installations.
Henry’s the Handyman is your one-stop shop for all your Enviro Tec shade house installation needs! We provide quality workmanship and excellent customer service to ensure that your shade house is properly installed and secured.
Henry’s the Handyman is the preferred installer for Enviro Tec’s Enthusiasts range of Galvanised Weldmesh Shade Houses.
Click the logo below to enquire or order a Shadehouse with Enviro Tec.
What people are saying about our installs.
3m x 1.425m Flat Roof.
Perfect for the smaller courtyard and fits snug into a corner of the garden.
When installing a shade house, it is important to take into consideration the size and shape of the structure, as well as the placement and size of the shade house in relation to the sun's path. It is also important to assess the local climate, soil type, and drainage of the area to ensure the shade house will be safe and secure.
2.925m x 3m Gable Roof
Need a bit more space? The gable roof design might be perfect.
At Henry’s the Handyman, we understand the importance of proper installation for shade houses, and we work diligently to make sure that your shade house is securely and safely installed with the all important tradesman like finishes.
2.925 x 4.425 Gable Roof
Still need more space, the extra 1.5mt on this gable design will give you plenty of space.
Henry’s the Handyman offer a range of services, including shade house installation onto your pre-laid concrete slab, pavers or aggregate filled box, supply of materials required for boxing, leveling and aggregate fill for your ground preparation and full install from the start to the finish of your project.
Or simply an install onto your flat prepared surface.
2.925m x 6m Gable Roof
Need even more space? The 6mtr gable roof design will allow you ample room for your greenery.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We look forward to working with you to make sure your shade house is installed safely and correctly.

Shadehouse FAQs
Yes, Enviro Tec will often vary these dimensions if a client doesn’t have the room e.g., widths of 2.475m & 2.025m
We install from Brisbane to Gympie but will go further if required. We do charge for travel time though depending on where you live.
Yes, we can do everything from just an install on your flat base you have already prepared we can arrange for the ground to be leveled, boxed and even scraped with a digger if required. Just let us know what your needs are.
For the smaller flat houses we allow 1 full day, fort he larger sizes we allow 2 days depending on travel distance and any other prep that mybe required at the site.
Yes, you can certainly have a go, however there are certain tools and experience that makes it easier and gives you that professional looking finish.
Generally we are booked out about 3-4 weeks ahead, so it is best to book in your install when you order your shadehouse with Enviro Tec.
10 easy steps to get your shade house installed
by Henry the Handyman
Installing a shade house can be a great way to add a comfortable outdoor lifestyle space to your home and provide years of protected gardening. This article will outline 10 simple steps to help you plan for the install of your new Envirotech shade house with ease.
Choose a sturdy, level surface for your shade house. Pavers, road base/gravel or concrete are all suitable choices. If you currently just have grass then a treated timber box filled with aggregate can be a simple and great looking solution.
If your base is not currently level, consider how you will get it to level and clear of any obstructions ready for the install. Our suggestion is to either dig it out (if the slope isn't too steep and you are in good health) or hire in a digger to scrape the site to achieve the level required (for more steeping blocks). We can also take care of this portion of the preparation if you prefer not to deal with it.
Once your base is level and ready you will need to ensure there is a minimum clearance of 800mm around all sides to allow enough working distance for the installation. Trim any tree branches and remove any obstacles that may hinder the install.
Upon delivery of your shade house have it delivered as close as possible to the install site and if requiring a delivery of aggregate or sleepers, have clear access to the site for ease of tipper truck to reverse and unload. It can add significant labour costs if the aggregate needs to be barrowed from a long distance.
Upon contacting us you will be asked to fill out the shade house install form to give us all the details of your site so we can give you an accurate quote for your specific job. Pro Tip** Skip this step before you call us and fill out the contact form now here, this way we will already have all your details in our system and be able to serve you in a much more efficient manner.
If your site is ready for the shade house to be installed and there is no ground preparation required from us you can easily choose your service for the size of shade house you have ordered and proceed to make your booking. If your shade house is a custom size please fill out the contact form here and detail the specific dimensions.
Get in touch with us when you have ordered your shade house from Envirotech as we are usually booked out 3-4 weeks in advance, this way we can have you booked in around the same time of your delivery.
Confirm with us that your shade house has arrived and we will confirm your booking date is locked in.
If you are moving plants from the area where your new shade house is being erected, please ensure the plants are not blocking access to the build site.
Stock up your new Envirotech shade house and enjoy your new green space!
By following these 10 simple steps, you will enjoy a smooth and timely install of your new shade house .
Click here for our installation pricelist.